
Showing posts from August, 2012

Destination: Fuzhou

Ga berasa, udah satu setengah bulan saya pulang kampung. Pesawat kembali ke Fuzhou tinggal beberapa jam lagi. Time flies . Ketika saya duduk di Gajah Mada Plaza nunggu temen saya sambil denger lagu hari Kamis lalu, rasanya kehidupan saya selama setahun di Fuzhou seperti video yang diputar ulang di kepala saya. Semua kejadian seru, rese, bikin sakit hati, emosi jiwa, kenangan manis bareng best friends , main gila di asrama, traveling seru, de el el, semuanya keinget lagi. Dan sekarang, waktu saya untuk me- recharge di Jakarta hampir habis. Hampir semua makanan yang bikin saya ngidam selama di Fuzhou berhasil saya nikmatin: pempek, soto, sate, siomay, asinan, gado-gado, tempe bacem, jus alpukat, sayur asem,... wuihhhh,, yummy ...!! Saya juga berhasil nge- mall ke Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Grand Indonesia, kegiatan yang praktis ga saya jalanin di Fuzhou. Yang paling utama adalah hang out bareng keluarga dan temen-temen. Hmmm, bener-bener me- recharge body and soul . Rasanya s

Last Minute Before Recharging

Written on Thursday, July 5th 2012 I'm here again, at Langbo Coffee near my dorm. Today doesn't feel so much like the last day of me being in Fuzhou for the first academic year. It's been almost a year, but it feels like it's only a few days. Everything has changed, though: people who works in restaurants; stores and shops have changed into more fancy restaurants or drugstore; more buildings under construction; renovated church; and also people's behaviour, characters, etc. I don't really know if I have changed in the past year. I mean, yes, I've gained more than three killos and have my hair curled, but what about my personality? My character? My habit? My skill? My point of view? My aims and goals? I don't know why, but I have commited to myself to finish reading the book given by my friends before I came to Fuzhou: Si Cacing dan Kotoran Kesayangannya. I haven't had enough time to finish the reading, but it kept me alive during my wil


星期六  2012年6月30日 我不记得玛蒂娜从什么时候开始叫我她的双胞胎.她一直模仿我的风格:一起穿同样的衣服、戴上跟我的眼镜一样的眼镜框。 随着交流的过程,我发现玛蒂娜真如我的双胞胎一样。这不仅因为我们一起住而引起我们的习惯,而且经过诚心诚意的沟通就发现我们在很多方面有一致的观点。对人的性格、友谊、爱情、宗教等几乎所有的生活方面都有相同的看法。 有时候我们很吃惊,为什么我的想法跟她的一样,为什么我对某行为而不敢说出来的看法跟她的也一样,为什么我能猜得到他想说出的后一句,为什么别人不懂她的话而我却明白她的意思。 我慢慢相信我们是双胞胎。

So Attached

Written on Saturday, June 30th 2012 When I first touched down at Fuzhou, I never thought it will be this hard to let my friends go back home. I never thought that I'd be loving Fuzhou and so attached with my friends, especially Madina and Rowena. I never thought that my heart would be this painful, hard to breathe, suffocating and weeping like a baby. I never thought that I wouldn't stop crying, avoiding heading back the dorm that reminds me of them, hugging the pillow and blanket just to feel her smell, feel so sick like I wanna throw up all the time. Please tell me why. Why could I be like this? I used to be a solitaire, independent, alone. But look at me now. I'm lost without them. I'm so scared to face those hypocrite people without them, I'm scared I would collapse facing challenges without them. They used to be my strength, my fire, my guide, my light during the darkest moments ever happened here in Fuzhou. It hurts so bad that I've become so sca

Separation is not Easy

Written on Saturday, June 23rd 2012 I’m sitting at one corner in Langbo Coffee. The weather outside is so good: no sunlight, a bit cloudy but not raining. The Brazil Coffee is also good, bitter sweet. I finished it before it gets cold.  I recently got angry. Well, got upset, more precisely. It was a simple matter, just a simple joke, but I don’t know why I got pissed. Then I remember last night when I was eating with Madina and analyzing all my classmates character, and also me, she said I’m a good person, I don’t like bad personality person, but I also have one weakness: my mood is easily influenced by other people or things. Yup, she’s absolutely right. Can’t help it, I guess, basic nature of me. And it’s happening now.  I kind of sad, remembering how Madina, who knows me so well, and fill my heart so deeply, and no one will replace her existence just like it is right now, is going back to her country, Uzbekistan, within days. And also Rowena, my little sister from Philli

Miss Writing So Much

Yuhhuuu... I'm back on track.. Yep, I know it's been so long since I wrote last time, so sorry.. Semuanya gara-gara waktu dan internet. Bulan April lalu saya sibuk nyiapin ujian HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) level 6. Kalo saya ga lulus level ini, beasiswa saya otomatis dicabut. Jadi saya dan temen-temen saya tenggelam dalam buku dengan rambut yang mule kriting kaya huruf Mandarin, menghilang dari peredaran asrama. Walopun party tetep jalan, hehehehe, sesuai motto hidup: study hard, play hard .. Maklum, ultah kan cuma setaon skali, kebetulan pula ultah saya dan Madina cuma kacek seminggu, jadi kami bikin party dehh.. Tapi itu setelah ujian koq, jadi ga masalah.. Kirain setelah ujian HSK kami bakalan bebas, tapi ternyata di bulan Mei kami harus nyiapin proposal tesis yang bakal disidangin kelayakannya. Yah, jadilah kami semua kena penyakit 'tesis': tidur ga tenang, ga napsu makan, rute wajib tiap hari adalah kelas-asrama-kelas-asrama-perpus-asrama dst.  Dan emang da